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Wersja: Heroes V - Kuznia Przeznaczenia
Wielkość: S - Mala
Podziemia: Tak
Ilość graczy: wszystkich: 8 w tym jako ludzie: 7
Sojusze: 0
Język:   Niemiecki
Autor: Koellefornia
Rozmiar pliku: 111.91 KB
Dodano: 26.02.2010 roku Pobrano: 1972 razy Zgłoś niedziałający link
Opis: Der Zwergenkonig Wintergrimm verabscheut die gemeine Magie. In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat er es durchgesetzt, die Magie aus dem Reich zu verbannen. Die wenigen alte Schreine, die ubrig geblieben sind, lasst er seitdem bewachen.
Inzwischen sind Unruhen im Land eingekehrt. Die Clans der Zwegre bekampfen einander um die Vorherrschaft. Nutzt die Gunst der Stunde und rei?t die Herrschaft an Euch. Eignet Euch magische Fahigkeiten an und tretet der zwerigschen Runenmagie entgegen. Vielleicht gelingt es Euch ja, Wintergrimm noch in diesem Jahr vom Thorn zu sturzen.
Wersja: Heroes V - Dzikie Hordy
Wielkość: M - Srednia
Podziemia: Tak
Ilość graczy: wszystkich: 4 w tym jako ludzie: 4
Sojusze: 2
Język:   Angielski
Autor: Mnc
Rozmiar pliku: 207.7 KB
Dodano: 08.02.2012 roku Pobrano: 4110 razy Zgłoś niedziałający link
Opis: For too long have I been watching these mountains.. too long I observated the sun go behind these mountains.. What have I done wrong to be stuck in a place like this with my friends kingdom.. There must be reason for all this, could those two other nations have purpose for their exsistence? Maybe we should ask them.
Wersja: Heroes V - Dzikie Hordy
Wielkość: M - Srednia
Podziemia: Tak
Ilość graczy: wszystkich: 5 w tym jako ludzie: 2
Sojusze: 2
Język:   Angielski
Autor: jpindseth
Rozmiar pliku: 228.11 KB
Dodano: 13.09.2014 roku Pobrano: 1571 razy Zgłoś niedziałający link
Opis: These lands have had a long history of war. The five kingdoms inhabiting the lands were always evenly matched and this stoped them from extinguishing each other. This all changed when the Necromancer Deirdre, with the help of the dragons, discovered the evil arts of mind control.She ruled for the past five centuries by controling the people of the four other kingdoms.
The wizards of the green kingdom where the first to break free and seeing that they needed an ally, they started fighting Deirdres control over you. It was not easy. Deirdre was prepaird this time and they had to use all the aincent spell thought by the titans to make you immune, but in the end they succeeded. It left them in a state to fatigued to defend from her horrible revange. She cast a spell so strong it fried their central nevous system. It was a wonder they even suvived. When they woke up, they where not able to remember you and when your people tried to apoach them a fireball incinerated them. But many years has past since that now and you know not what happend to them. All you know is that you have to face Deirdre alone.
Wersja: Heroes V - Dzikie Hordy
Wielkość: M - Srednia
Podziemia: Tak
Ilość graczy: wszystkich: 5 w tym jako ludzie: 2
Sojusze: 2
Język:   Angielski
Autor: jpindseth
Rozmiar pliku: 228.11 KB
Dodano: 11.02.2015 roku Pobrano: 1009 razy Zgłoś niedziałający link
Opis: These lands have had a long history of war. The five kingdoms inhabiting the lands were always evenly matched and this stoped them from extinguishing each other. This all changed when the Necromancer Deirdre, with the help of the dragons, discovered the evil arts of mind control.She ruled for the past five centuries by controling the people of the four other kingdoms.
The wizards of the green kingdom where the first to break free and seeing that they needed an ally, they started fighting Deirdres control over you. It was not easy. Deirdre was prepaird this time and they had to use all the aincent spell thought by the titans to make you immune, but in the end they succeeded. It left them in a state to fatigued to defend from her horrible revange. She cast a spell so strong it fried their central nevous system. It was a wonder they even suvived. When they woke up, they where not able to remember you and when your people tried to apoach them a fireball incinerated them. But many years has past since that now and you know not what happend to them. All you know is that you have to face Deirdre alone.
Wersja: Heroes V - Kuznia Przeznaczenia
Wielkość: M - Srednia
Podziemia: Tak
Ilość graczy: wszystkich: 4 w tym jako ludzie: 4
Sojusze: 0
Język:   Angielski
Autor: Myythryyn
Rozmiar pliku: 251.3 KB
Dodano: 26.02.2010 roku Pobrano: 2367 razy Zgłoś niedziałający link
Opis: When the Mad Mage Zandragar decided to build a Wizard's tower, he wanted it built in the most isolated place possible. Mount Barada would have been the perfect place for this tower, if it wasnt for the small kingdoms which dwelled on its hills. Each kingdom was separated from each other by natural barriers, and would be very difficult to evict from their lands. Zandragar schemed and plotted, until finally he came up with a plan as to what he would do. He opened moongates that connected the secluded kingdoms, and placed greatly desired relics and treasure. He intended for the kingdoms to weaken or destroy each other fighting over the treasure. What he didnt realise was that instead one kingdom would rise above all the others....
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